
Children's Health

Children are More Vulnerable to EMFs

Autism, ADD, ADHD, diabetes, asthma and other disorders and disease— science has tied to EMFs either directly or as a contributing factor to the disorder. What we know from research is if a child is ailing or struggling with a disorder or disease, assuring they are removed as much as possible from EMFs will help facilitate recovery or improvements. For example, it has been found that heavy metal detoxifi­cation was greatly facilitated by the elimination of EMFs from the environment. Why? The science has shown that there is a synergistic relationship between heavy metals and EMFs. When EMFs are present cells can become dysfunctional and not clear toxic metals. If this is occurring in the brain, neurological damage can occur. The course of action is to remove or greatly reduce exposure, include healing protocols, and support the bodies ability to heal.

The good news, we know the body has a tremendous ability to heal. Reducing exposure is critical. The concern is not an incidental exposure, the problem is prolonged exposure from so many sources placing children in a soup of radiation 24/7, especially during sleep when their bodies are trying to heal from the days toxic load (we have many toxins in our environment the body repairs from at night while we sleep).

EMFs are a toxin children are being exposed to 24/7 and at unhealthy levels of intensity.

INCREASE IN CHILDHOOD DISORDERS Scientists related to growth in emf exposure

In a Russian 2011 report covering the period 2000 to 2009:

  • Central nervous system disorders increased by 85%

  • Epilepsy or epileptic syndrome increased by 36%

  • Mental retardation cases increased by 11%

  • Blood disorders and immune status disorders increased by 82%

In 2011, the Russian Committee on non-Ionizing Radiation recommended that children under the age of 18 and pregnant women not use mobile phones.

CDC data coincides with Russian data — the following covering the period 1997 to 2006 (1996 was when the major digital rollout commenced):

  • Developmental Disabilities increased 17.1%

  • Autism increased 289.5%

  • ADHD increased 33%

children have Thinner skulls and smaller heads than adults

Gandi, 1996, emf penetration into brain for upload.jpg

Twice the amount of radiation to the brain and penetrates deep into areas of critical brain functioning.


“Hardell et al. 2009 … found that children who start using a mobile phone had a 5 fold increased risk of developing a glioma brain tumor in their 20’s. These are aggressive malignant tumors.” What’s Ailing You? Chapter 5, Vulnerability of Our Children (the PDF for this chapter is available for download at the end of this section.)

The IARC in their monograph on cancer risks: “In children using mobile phones, the average deposition of RF energy may be two times higher in the brain and up to ten times higher in the bone marrow of the skull than in adult users.”

Greater chance for biological errors to occur during a childs development

Children have more biological processes occurring such as cell division, repair and replacement. With more ‘events’ comes a greater chance for error. This is also a time when vital connections are being made in the brain.

Reflex study, chromosome damage.jpg

REFLEX study, 2004

A 52 month study involving 12 institutions in seven countries funded by the European Union

Living human cells were exposed to non-ionizing radiofrequency and electro-magnetic fields. They found both single and double strand DNA breaks. The report referenced how we can no longer justify making claims that we are not aware of any ‘pathophysiological mechanisms’ for the development of functional disturbances and chronic diseases in man.

The attached slide is from a presentation made by Franz Adlkofer, the lead REFLEX researcher — shows chromosome fragments and aberrations that occurred.


children have a longer life time to accumulate damage

With longer lifetime comes increased accumulation of radiation which increases risk of adverse health effects later in life. Our bodies are amazing in what they can do to keep us healthy. However, if we continue to incur damage then overtime the body will be unable to maintain homeostasis and it will succumb to illness.

Microwave/Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation

It’s not just about cell phones. All devices and structures that expose us to RF radiation include: cell/smart phones, baby monitors, radio/TV towers, cell towers, utility smart meters, WiMAX, Wi-Fi, and all devices and toys that utilize wireless connections. Robert Baan of the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) clarified that their findings were not just about cell phone exposure but hold for all types of radiofrequency radiation such as base-station antennas, radio/TV towers, radar, Wi-Fi, smart meters etc.

Mobile devices — Include cell or smart phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, tablets that use radiofrequency/microwaves to function. There are various RF enabled toys and entertainment devices children use that expose them to EMFs.

Here is a picture of a simulation from the Environmental Health Trust ( It shows the penetration into the brain from a wireless tablet. Yellow represents radiation exposure that is magnitudes higher than determined safe levels. Not until you get into the blue areas — below 0.20V/m are you in what is considered safer levels. For sleep time, the exposure range needs to be even lower.

WIFI tablet raditiaon to 6 year old EHT.PNG

To reduce this exposure you would download what is needed and then turn airplane mode on, and make sure Bluetooth is off. Ideally, you want devices such as computers and tablets using Ethernet ‘wired’ connection.

The more time spent utilizing mobile devices and computers, the greater the need for a wired connection. And there are connections available for tablets and even phones for videos and online usage, when extended viewing is utilized.

former Microsoft Canada President

We are convinced that there is nothing less than
the future of our children at stake.
— Frank Clegg, former microsoft canada president

Frank Clegg — Is also the founder of Canadians for Safer Technology and in the following video provides information on children’s health when exposed to Wi-Fi in Schools.

Mr. Clegg does not have Wi-Fi in his home, he and his wife did not think it was safe for their children.


Did you know — there are many wireless outfitted baby equipment, clothing, and toys with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology that are not even at a distance from the baby’s body but on the body. This radiating penetrates the body it is bioactive — Examples…Wi-Fi and Bluetooth equipped pacifier, body suit, diapers and many more items.

Power LInes and home wiring

EMFs emanate off powerlines and home wiring, radiating into our living space — Leukemia has been made fairly well known as a possible outcome if living around transmission lines. What many do not know is that neighborhoods and homes can have exposure levels at the levels found to be tied to leukemia and along with many other ailments. Homes with wiring problem, electricity running on water pipes and powerlines running unacceptable harmonics can have even higher levels of EMFs. It was estimated that 50% of homes have wiring errors and 30% have power line fields over recommended safer levels. You need to measure!

Magda Havas, Ph.D, is a highly regarded expert on EMFs and Dirty Electricity (DE) in particular. Dirty electricity is a term used for high frequencies running on building wiring. It emanates out into our living space and is considered by some experts to represent one of the most concerning EMFs. She published reports on findings that removal of these fields has dramatic positive health effects. In my book I reference some of her published findings:

“…reducing DE to safer exposure levels an individual was able to reduce daily insulin use by 300%!”

“…found that once the DE is cleaned up through filtering, students are less disruptive, better focused and other symptoms improve that are associated with ADD and ADHD.”

Action taken at State and national level:

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) — CHD provides an excellent summary of cases they have filed, 5G and other planned wireless installs in communities, wireless harm, cancer, children’s health disorders and more. — Educational summary for you and your neighbors

State of Maryland — ‘Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council recommendations concerning Wi-Fi in schools’Read their full report.